Labels:book | poster | volcanic crater | window OCR: Glimpse Stratovolcano Built by alternating layers, or strata.of erupted materials, such ae Lava and ash, stratovol leanoes are large, often steep vol canoes that sometimes have violent, explosive eruptions- Most stratovoleanoes talso known as composite voleanoes) erupt thick lava that cools and solidifies near the.vent. Asa result, their slopes Stromboll Stratovoio lano are steep, and debris from successive Ctrombolian Eruption eruptions adds layers to the already Subductinn Zona sheer escarpments. Flank cruptions, Culfu Submarin Eruption pasnea when travels outwar Taal froma central conduit through channels Tambora known as pue sills, are common Tachra on stratovoleanoes. Notable Tame Theles Scalay stratovol leanoe include Cotopax Tsuremt Ecundor and Colima in Mexico USG Unzer Calhau Mirx ...